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Follow the Lama Caravan of Sibayo

Posted on by Antoine TH

Since immemorial times, the inhabitants of Sibayo cross the desert and the mountains of Arequipa to arrive in the lowland of the Colca Valley. Here they exchange their harvest against fruit, potatoes, dried meat and other products.

So during your Peru trip you can be a testimony of a thousands of years old production and trade system.

During the Spanish colonization, the Vice-Kingdom of Toledo recognized the poverty in which the inhabitants of Sibayo were living. Therefor he gave them some land on the coast, so that they were able to pay their taxes. As a result of this, the community was now able to extract algae that they exchanged against other products.

Unlike other communities in the Colca Valley, Sibayo kept its cultures and traditions.

For the ones among you that are adventurous and that would love to do a Peru trek, following the lama caravan of Sibayo is a nice option.

To see our Sibayo picture galery click here.

Here is our video of this amazing Peru trek:


Follow the lama caravan of Sibayo



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